施工技术 2013年5月下 108 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第10期 do:10.7672/sgjs2013100108 投标施工组织设计的编制研究 米舰 (北京住总集团有限责任公司,北京100101 【摘要]围绕投标文件中施工组织设计内容,针对当前投标施工组织中存在的一些问题缺陷,列举实例,分析原因, 最后提出纠正措施。指出投标施工组织设计编写时应严肃认真、科学先进,具有可操作性,要求投标文件主题鲜 明,重点突出,防止避重就轻,另外需加强新规范,规程的学习,了解掌握新的信息,重视图示作用,使之一目了然。 关键词】项目管理;投标;施工组织;编制 中图分类号】TU71 [文献标识码]A 文章编号】1002-8498(2013)10-0108-03 Research on Compilation of Construction Organization Design Documents for Tendering Mi Jian Beijing Uni-Construction Group Co .Ltd .100101 ,China ) Abstract :With respect to preparing the construction organization design in tendering documents ,this paper raises the faults identified in current practice ,listed examples ,analyzed the reasons ,and proposes solutions to correct them .It is pointed out that the pilation of the tending documents regrading construction organization design should be serious ,scientific and specific with operability .It is required that the tendering documents should have clear idea to prevent avoiding critical issues .New codes or standards should be learned to update the knowledge on technology development .The function of illustrations should be highlighted to improve the readability of the documents K...
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