94 当代化工研究 科研开发 201701 探讨海水淡化在火力发电厂中的设计 ★苏囿廷1孙琴英2 (1.中国电建集团甘肃能源巴基斯坦代表处甘肃730000 2.中电建甘肃能源华亭发电有限责任公司甘肃744100) 摘要:伴随着科学技术的不断优化,沿海地区的经济水平在国民经济体系中占据了更加重要的位置,要想进一步提高整体管理效果和综 合处理水平,在实际管理模型和管控要求得到有效落实的基础上,海水淡化项目的落实能降低海水淡化成本。本文从海水淡化技术的研究 背景出发,对火力发电厂中利用海水淡化技术的条件进行了简要分析,集中阐释了技术设计系统的相关要素,旨在为相关部门提供有价值 的设计建议,以供参考。 关键词:海水淡化:火力发电厂;条件;设计系统 中图分类号:T文献标识 Discussion of the Sea Water Desalination Design in Thermal Power Plant Su Youting' ,Sun Qinying ( 1.Pakistan Representative Office of Gausu Energy ,China Power Construction Group ,Gansu ,730000 2 .HuatingPower Generation Limited Liability Company ,Gausu Energy ,China Power Construction Group ,Gansu ,744100 ) Abstract :Along with the constant optimization of science and technology ,the economic level of coastal region plays an important role in national economy system and if we want to further improve the overall management effect and prehensive treatment level ,based on the implementation of practical management model and management and control requirement ,the implementation of sea water desalination project can reduce the cost .In this paper ;starting from the research background sea water desalination technology ,it has taken simple analysi...
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