粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2010N.2 专题研究 掺复合掺合混凝土抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能研究 Study on Sulfate Resistance of Concrete with Compound Mineral Admixture 杨钱荣,唐越2,华夏3 (1.同济大学先进土木工程材料教育部重点实验室,上海2000922昆明冶金高等专 科学校,云南昆明650033;3.上海众合检测应用技术研究所有限公司,上海200065) 要研究了钢渣矿渣粉煤灰复合掺合料的混凝土在硫酸盐及干湿交替硫酸盐环境中的强度、膨胀率及剥落 量。结果表明在干湿循环环境中硫酸盐结晶引起的破坏远大于化学侵蚀引起的破坏。复合掺合料能有效抑制硫酸盐 化学侵蚀引起的膨胀破坏,但掺加复合合料的混凝土抗硫酸盐结晶破坏的能力有明显降低 关键词掺合料硫酸盐侵蚀干湿循环;结晶 中图分类号:TU528.33 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2010)02-0003-04 ( 1.Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Education Ministry ,Tongji University Shanghai 200092 ,China ;Kunming metallurgy college ,Kunming 650033 ,China ;3 .Shanghai Zhunghe institute of application technology of dectection ,Shanghai 200065 ,China ) Abstract :The strength ,expanaion and amount of scaling of conerete with pound mineral admixture ( CMA)from slag ,granulated blest slag and fly ash were studied .The result shows that damage by crystallization press from sulfate sttack under wetting-drying altemation is much Larger than that from sulfate chemical attack .Adding CMA to concrete could retard the damage expansion of concrete caused by sulfale chemical attack ,but the resistance of concrete to dama...