粉煤灰综合利用 2017No.2 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 试验与应用 掺钢渣混凝土开裂机理研究 Study on Cracking Mechanism of Steel Slag Concrete 刘磊,刘小艳,张玉梅,梁涛,李田雨 (河海大学力学与材料学院,江苏南京210098) 摘要:钢渣作为混凝土骨料应用可能会引起水泥混凝土的稳定性不良的问题,例如混凝土开裂本文选择了两 个批次不同龄期的掺矿渣混凝土试样进行试验,进行了SEM试验从钢渣混凝土的微观形貌寻找引起钢渣混凝土开裂的 原因,因为钢渣中含有的游离氧化钙和游离氧化镁等组分发生反应生成氢氧化钙等体积膨胀性产物最终导致混凝土开裂。 关键词:矿渣;混凝土;开裂;扫描电镜 中图分类号:TU528 文献标识码:A文章 文章编号:1005-8249(2017)02-0006-06 Liu Lei ,Liu Xiaoyan ,Zhang Yumei ,Liang Tao ,Li Tianyu ( 1.The College of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering ,Xinjiang Agricultural University ,Urumqi 830052 ,China ; Abstract :Steel slag as a concrete aggregate application may cause problems with poor stability of cement concrete ,such as concrete cracking . In this paper ,two batches of concrete samples with different ages were selected for the experiment .The reason of the cracking of steel slag caused by the microstructure of steel slag was studied by SEM .The free calcium oxide and free magnesium oxide contained in steel slag And other ponents of the reaction to produce calcium hydroxide and other volume of expansion products eventually lead to concrete cracking . Keywords :steel slag concrete cracked scanning electron microscopy . 高性能混凝...
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