粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2018no.1 工程实践 新型临时道路施工技术与经济环境性研究 Study on Construction Technology and Economic Environment of New Temporary Road 郭建强1,刘玉成1,王友,梁涛2,张范立 (1.安徽金寨抽水蓄能有限公司,安徽省六安市237333 2.河海大学,江苏省南京市210098 摘要:介绍了一种新型临时道路的施工技术,并从经济性和环境上对其进行分析。新型临时道路施工工艺简单, 既能满足临时道路的通车要求,也可以达到抑制尘土的效果,从经济上而言,其造价比干贫混凝土的造价要相对低廉 一点,且道路不会对周围环境到来影响。道路废弃后,可以进行复绿复耕,是一种经济环保型道路。 关键词:临时道路;施工技术;经济性;环境性 中图分类号:U416.212 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2018)01-0061-04 Guo Jianqiang ,Liu Yucheng' ,Wang You' ,Liang ,Zhang Fanli ( 1.Anhui Jin Zhai Pumped Storage Company ,Anhui Liuan 237333 China Hehai University ,jiangsu Nanjing 410007 ,China ) Abstract :It introduced the construction technology of a new type of temporary road ,and analyzed from the aspects of economy and environment .A new temporary road construction process was simple ,which meets the traffic requirements of temporary road ,and also achieves the effect of dust suppression .From the economic point view ,its cost was relatively lower than the cost of dry lean concrete .and would not impact on the surrounding environment .The road was abandoned ,can be re green rehabilitation .It was an economic and environmentally friendly road Keywor...
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