粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2018NO.2 综述 无机聚合物混凝土性能综述 Summary of Performance of Inorganic Polymer Concrete 赵樾,于惇 (陆军勤务学院军事土木工程系,重庆401331) 摘要:介绍了无机聚合物混凝土这种新型的无机胶凝复合材料的特点,并分别从无机聚合物混凝土的性能、无 机聚合物混凝土高温条件下的性能、无极聚合物混凝土柱构件性能研究三个方面综述了目前国内外无机聚合物混凝土 的研究进展,也指出了无机聚合物混凝土研究及应用方面的问题,为无机聚合物混凝土进一步的研究指明了方向. 关键词:无机聚合物;混凝土;高温;柱偏心受压; 中图分类号:TU528.41 文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(2018)02-0087-06 Zhao Yue Yu Dun (Department of Civil Engineering Logistical Engineering University Chongqing 401331 China) Abstract:The characteristics of this new type of inorganic cementing materials are introduced in details in this paper.The performance of the inorganic polymer concrete inorganic polymer concrete under the condition of high temperature performance the infinite polymer conerete column of eccentric pression performance study at home and abroad is reviewed in three aspects:the problems in the inorganic polymer concrete research is pointed out which indicates the direetion of the further research of inorganic polymer concrete. Keywords:inorganic polymer;concrete;high temperature;eccentric pression of column 无机聚合物混凝土-3]是人们所熟知的新型无者也越来越倾向于节能环保材料和抢修抢建材料等 机胶凝复合材料4,其在工程建设中拥有普通混凝方向的研究. 土所不具备的优良性能.随着我国大规模经济建设...