粉煤灰综合利用 FLYASHCOMPREHENSIVEUTILIZATION 2017 NO.6 设计与施工 村镇装配式住宅钢结构体系抗震性能分析研究 Analysis on Seismic Performance of Steel Structure System of Assembled Residential Buildings in Villages and Small Towns 褚少辉13,赵士永23,刘亚贤4 (1.河北建研科技有限公司,石家庄050021; 2.河北省建筑科学研究院,石家庄050021; 3.河北省既有建筑综合改造工程技术研究中心,石家庄050021; 4.北京实兴腾飞置业发展公司,北京100041) 摘要:以石家庄某村镇住宅楼为研究对象,利用有限元分析软件,对单福钢框架、外挂装配式墙板钢框架和内 嵌装配式墙板钢框架三种模型在水平地震力作用下,钢框架位移变形进行研究,得出了一些有益的结论:相同水平地 震力作用下,单钢框架、外挂装配式墙板钢框架变形差别不大,而内嵌装配式墙板钢框架变形远远小于单棍钢框架、 外挂装配式墙板钢框架变形,说明外挂装配式墙板对框架结构刚度贡献不大,内嵌装配式墙板可大大提高框架结构的 刚度。
关键词:钢框架结构;ANSYS;装配式墙板;水平地震力 中图分类号:TU391;TU375.4文献标识类:A文章编号:1005-8249(2017)06-0053-05 Chu Shaohuil3,Zhao Shiyong²,Liu Yaxian* ( 1.Hebei Building Research Technology Co. Ltd, Shijiazhuang 050021 ; 2.Hebei Academy of Building Research, Shijiazhuang 050021:3.The engineering tecnical research centre of prehensive reconstruction existing buildings of Hebei province. Shijiazhuang,050021 ; 4. Beijing Shixing Tengfei Establish Development Company, Beijing 100041) Abstract: Traditional villagehouses adopt masonry structure, with high energy consumption and poor seismic perfomance, which pose a great threat to people’s life and property security.While steel structure has the advantage of light weight,good ductility and high seismic.So the prefabricated light steel structure system to replace the traditional building structure system of high energy consumption and poor seismic performance will bee an inevitable trend.A village residential building in shijiazhuang as the research bject,stablish the three models of singleframe steelframe, extemal assembly panel steelframe and embedded panel steelframe,studied the displacement of steelframe deformation under theactionof horizontal seismic force by the finite element analysis software. Some useful conclusions are drawn: there is not much difference between single steel frame and exterior assembly wallsteel frame deformation, under the action of horizontal seismic force, while the deformation of stel frame of e...