粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHIENSIVE UTILIZATION 2017no.1 试验与应用 正试验法在低掺量碱渣全固废混凝土中的应用 Application of Orthogonal Test Method in Low Alkaline Solid Waste Concrete 李亚齐,倪文,徐东,高巍 (北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院,北京100083) 摘要:采用正交试验方法对低碱渣全固废碱渣混凝土的配合比进行研究,考察了碱渣、脱硫石膏和钢渣三个因 素的掺量对混凝土抗压强度和坍落度的影响情况结果表明影响混凝土整体性能因素的大小为;钢渣>脱硫石膏>碱渣。 通过对试验结果的均值、极差分析,从而得出碱渣因素对混凝土性能影响最大,确定各因素的比例关系为碱渣:脱硫 石膏:钢渣=1:2:5。对净浆试块进行微观分析,发现胶凝体系中生成的钙矾石和C-S-H凝胶是贡献混凝土强度的主 要因素。 关键词:碱渣;全固废混凝土;正交试验;抗压强度;坍落度;钙矾石;c-s-H凝胶 中图分类号:TU528 文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(2017)01-0029-05 Li Yaqi ,Ni Wen ,Xu Dong ,Gao Wei Civil and Resource Engineering and Resource ,University of Science and Technology Beijing ,Beijing 100083 ,China ) Abstract :In this paper ,orthogonal test method was used to study the mix proportion of alkali slag solid waste concrete ,and the effects of alkali slag ,desulphurization gypsum and steel slag on the pressive strength and slump of concrete were investigated .The results show that the factors affecting the overall performance of concrete size is ;steel slag >desulfurization gypsum >alkali sludge .Through the mean and range analysis of the test results ,it is concluded that the alkali sludge has the greatest influence on the concrete perfo...
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