粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2013NO.5 专题研究 水胶比矿渣粉对混凝土力学性能影响的试验及机理研究* Water/cement Ratio and Slag Powder Experiment and Echanism Study of Concrete Mechanics Performance Influence 李双喜,王志明2,唐新军 (1.新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院,乌鲁木齐市830052;2.新疆克孜尔水库管理局,新疆库车县,842313) 摘要:以不同配比的水胶比和矿渣粉掺量为影响因素,配制混凝土试件进行抗压强度正交试验,深人系统的研究 其对高性能混凝土力学性能的影响.在此基础上,通过电镜观测,从微观机理角度对宏观性能进行分析解释.研究表 明,混凝土的抗压强度均随着水化龄期的延长而增大.水化早期,接有矿渣粉的高性能混凝土强度都较低;水化后期,矿 渣粉活性效应发挥显著.在水胶比不变时,随着矿渣粉掺量的增加混凝土的强度是在逐渐降低的.使用42.5R普通水 泥,控制水胶比在0.40-0.20,掺加矿渣粉,可配制出C45~C65的高性能混凝土.微观机理研究显示矿渣粉的存在使混 凝土中孔隙减少,孔径变小,结构变密实,起到了很好的填充和微集料作用. 关键词:混凝土;矿渣粉;水胶比;力学性能;微观机理 中图分类号:TU528.1文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(2013)05-0019-04 Li shuang-xi Wang zhi-ming Tang xin-jun College of water conservancy and civil engineering of Xinjiang Agricultural University 830052; Administration of kizil reservoir in xinjiang 842313) Abstract:Slag powder instead of cement mixing into concrete has two aspects of technology and economic benefits.According to this char- acteristic based on the different ratios of water/cement ratio and dosage of slag powder as influencing factors concrete specimens for pressive strength of orthogonal test is prepared and thorough system to study the effect on the mechanical properties of high performance concrete.On this ba- sis by electron microscopy sem)observations macro performance is analyzed from the Angl of microscopic mechanism explanation.Studies have shown that the pressive strength of concrete increases with hydration time.In the early hydra...
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