粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILMZATION 20180.4 试验与应用 污水环境下粉煤灰改良土力学特性研究 Study on Mechanical Properties of improved Soil with Fly Ash in Sewage Environment 姚运 (成都理工大学工程技术学院,四川乐山614007) 摘要:为了探究污水环境下粉煤灰改良土的力学变化特性,对特定配比的粉煤灰改良土进行了不同污水浓度环 境和养护时间下的单轴抗压、剪切以及渗透试验。研究结果表明:相同养护龄期下,污水浓度越高,粉煤灰改良土的抗压、 抗剪强度以及渗透率则均逐渐减小;清水环境下,粉煤灰改良土的强度随养护时间增加而逐渐增大,高污水浓度下, 强度呈先增后减的趋势,而渗透系数在清水、低浓度污水以及高浓度污水下的变化特征分别为负幂函数降低、先减后 增以及逐渐增大。试验结果对于粉煤灰改良土在工程建设领域的应用具有重要意义。 关键词:污水环境;粉煤灰改良土;浓度;养护龄期;强度;渗透系数 中图分类号:TU528.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2018)04-0003-04 Yao Yun ( EngineeringTechnical College of Chengdu University of Technology ,Sichuan Leshan 614007 ,China ) Abstract :To explore the mechanical change characteristics of fly ash modified soil ,uniaxial pression ,shear and permeability tests of different proportion of fly ash improved soil under different sewage concentration environment and curing time were carried out .The results showed that in the same curing period ,the higher the concentration of wastewater ,pressive strength ,shear strength and permeability decreased ;In clean water environment ,fly ash improved soil strength increased gradually with the increase of curing time .In high concentration of was...