2011年12月下 施工技术 第40卷第355期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 81 泰州万达广场城市综合体项目 总承包管理的实践与探索 孙晓阳,颜卫东,陈华,余林峰 (中国建筑第八工程局有限公司总承包公司,上海/200315) [摘要]泰州万达广场为集多种业态于一体的大型城市综合体项目,其建设具有工程规模大、工期紧张、资源投人 量大、建筑功能多样化、多家分包单位立体交叉作业等特点.结合项目特点,采用融人业主管理模式的全方位总承 包管理,总承包单位承担工程建设全过程的工程管控协调.介绍了总承包管理模式的合同结构、框架、组织及实 践,在工程实践的基础上对该项目的总承包管理进行全面分析和总结. [关键词]项目管理;城市综合体;总承包管理;管控计划;组织模式 [中图分类号]TU712[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2011)24-0081-05 Contracting Management of Large Urban Complex Project of Taizhou Wanda Plaza Sun Xiaoyang Yan Weidong Chen Hua Yu Linfeng General Contract Company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co.Ltd.Shanghai 200315 China) Abstract:As a large urban plex project Taizhou Wanda Plaza has some special characteristics such as large scale strict construction time large investment of resource multi function as well as cross- operation of many sub-contracting units.Based on the characteristics contracting management mode pounding with owner management is adopted.The contracting pany is responsible for managing and controlling of the whole process.The contract frame organization and practice of contracting mode are introduced.Moreover the practices is analyzed and summarized in detail. Key wor...
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