施工技术 2013年5月下 94 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第10期 do1:10.7672/gjs2013100094 泰州万达广场大型城市综合体项目 施工现场平面布置管理 孙晓阳,颜卫东 (中国建筑第八工程局有限公司总承包公司,上海200135) 摘要]大型城市综合体项目施工总平面布置与管理为关系工程顺利进展的关键因素之一,以泰州万达广场项目 为例,探索其总平面管理的经验思路、方法、途径,在工程实践的基础上对该项目的总平面布置和管理的原则及布 置的步骤和要求进行探讨,取得了很好的社会效益和经济效益 关键词】项目管理;大型城市综合体;平面布置 中图分类号】TU71 文献标识码]A 【文章编号】1002-8498(2013)10-0094-03 Construction Site Layout Management for Large City Complex Project of Taizhou Wanda Plaza Sun Xiaoyang ,Yan Weidong General Contract Engineering Company ,China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co ..Shanghai 200135 ,China ) Abstract :The overall construction site layout and management is one of the key factors that affect the smooth progress of the construction for large city plex projects .Taking the project of Taizhou Wanda Plaza as an example ,the experiences ,ideas and methods for overall site layout management were explored .Based on the project practice ,the principles ,procedures and requirements for overall site layout and management were discussed .As the result of the above efforts ,good social and economic benefits were obtained . Key words :project management ;large city plex ;plan layout 施工总平面管理就是对工程施工中所占据一 工程...