粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2018No.4 试验与应用 活性粉末混凝土配合比优化试验研究 Experimental Study on Mix Proportion Optimization of Reactive Powder Concrete 高辉 (天津市建筑科学研究院,天津300193) 摘要:为了便于原材料来源更好地满足实际工程需要,采用天然河砂取代传统的石英砂,在标准养护条件下,制 备出满足强度要求的活性粉末混凝土。并研究了粉煤灰微珠、水胶比、骨料、钢纤维掺量对活性粉末混凝土性能的影响。 在考虑性能和经济成本的基础上,提出了活性粉末混凝土最优配合比:水胶比为0.14,骨料选用水洗并过4.75mm筛的 河砂,且用量为1154kg/m3,钢纤维最佳掺量为150kg/m3。 关键词:活性粉末混凝土;配合比;抗压强度 中图分类号:TU528.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2018)04-0035-04 Gao Hui ( TianjinResearch Institute of Building science ,Tianjin 300193 ,China Abstract :To improve the raw material resources of ultra-high performance concrete for construction and application ,the reactive powder conerete which satisfies the strength requirement was prepared by using natural river sand to replace the traditional quartz sang under the standard curing conditions .The influences of fly ash micro beads ,water to binder ratio ,sand ,dosage of steel fiber on the properties of reactive powder conerete were studied .Based on the properties and cost ,the optimum mix proportion of reactive powder concrete was proposed :water to binder ratio is 0.14 ,aggregate is washed river sand and passed through 4.75 mm sieve ,which dosag...
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