粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILMZATION 2016No.4 试验与应用 混凝土表层致密化技术在水利工程试点应用 Experimental Reserach and Pilot Application of using Surface Densification Technology to Improve Durability of Concrete 朱炳喜,夏祥林,王小勇,许旭东,周少亭2 (1.江苏省水利科学研究院,江苏扬州225002; 2连云港市金河水利工程建设监理有限公司,江苏连云港222001) 摘要:混凝土表层致密化技术,方法之一系在常用模板内侧粘贴一层透水模板布,混凝土浇筑过程中水、空气透 过模板布排出,降低了表层混凝土的水胶比,提高表层混凝土密实性和强度。工程试点应用表明使用透水模板布能提高 表层混凝土抗碳化能力,降低表层混凝土透气性,可作为提高混凝土耐久性的附加措施。 关键词:混凝土;耐久性;透水模板布;表层致密化 中图分类号:TV431 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2016)04-0011-03 Zhu Bingxi' ,Xia Xianglin' ,Wang Xiaoyong' ,Xu Xudong' ,Zhou Shaoting ( 1.The Hydraulic Research Institute of Jiangsu Province ,Yangzhou ,Jiangsu 225002 ,China 2 .Lianyungang Jinhe Water Conservionce Construction Co .,Ltd ,Lianyungang ,Jiangsu222001 ,China ) Abstract :Pasting a layer of permeable formwork cloth in the inside of the mon template is one method of concrete surface densification technology .In the concrete pouring process ,water and air are discharged through the permeable formwork cloth ,which reduces the water cement ratio of surface concrete and improves the density and strength of surface conerete .Pilot application shows that the controlled permeability formwork can im...
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