施工技术 2010年7月 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第7期 温州世贸中心大楼麻花形扭梁钢楼梯施工技术 孙德明,杨雁翔,袁国清2,王楠 (1.中国建筑一局(集团)有限公司,北京100073;2.北京会议中心,北京100012) 【摘要]温州世贸中心大楼为筒中简结构,高333m。顶部72层有一个麻花形扭梁钢楼梯。因为该楼梯施工前,玻 璃幕墙已经完成。为解决楼梯构件吊装运输等问题,采取现场放样、拼装和成型工艺进行施工。这样,钢楼梯钢梁 的空间扭、弯等问题在施工方面得到很好解决,提高了工作效率,节省了工程成本。 关键词温州世贸中心钢楼梯放样施工技术 中图分类号TU758.11 [文献标识码]A 文章编号】1002-8498(2010)07-0048-03 Construction Technology of Steel Stair with Twist Girders in Wenzhou International Business Center Sun Deming' ,Yang Yanxiang' ,Yuan Guoqing ,Wang Nan ( 1.China Construction First Building (Group )Co ..Beijing 100073 ,China ; 2 .Beijing Meeting Center ,Beijing 100012 ,China ) Abstract :Wenzhou International Business Center building ,333m height ,is a tube in tube structure .A steel stair with twist girders is used on the 72 .Because the glass curtain wall has been constructed before construction of the stair ,on-site lofting ,assembly techniques are adopted in construction of the stair to solve lifting and transport of some stair members .These measures can solve the girder's problems of space torsion and bending and can improve working efficiency and save the cost . Key words :Wenzhou International Business Center ;steel stair ;lofting ...