2011年11月上 施工技术 第40卷第352期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 55 温州世贸中心屋顶异形钢结构 三维空间测量定位技术 孔德泉 (中国建筑一局(集团)有限公司,北京100073) [摘要]温州世贸中心是全国钢筋混凝土简中简结构第一高楼.建筑高度333.333m 主楼74层,66层以上屋顶钢 结构呈莲花瓣造型.对其屋顶钢结构安装中的重点、难点进行了分析,从钢结构空中安装定位测量控制方面进行 了描述,提出了三维空间定位测量控制方法,进行了该方法的实际应用与控制研究,最终达到了安装所需的高精度 控制要求,保证了安装质量,提高了工效,降低了成本,缩短了工期,解决了超高层屋顶异形复杂钢结构空中测量控 制难的问题. [关键词]高层建筑;屋顶;钢结构;测量;定位控制 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)21-0055-05 Three-dimensional Space Position Measurement Technology for the Special Shaped Steel Roof in Wenzhou World Trade Center Kong Dequan (China Construction First Building Group)Co. Lid.Beijing 100073 China) Abstract:Wenzhou World Trade Center is the tallest reinforeed concrete tube in tube structure in China. The height of the building is 333.333m and the main building has 74 floors which is the steel structure with shape of lotus flower above the 66th floor.The author analyzes the importance and difficulties in the construction process of the steel lotus flower especially the high-sky position measurement control of the steel roof.The author proposes the method of three-dimensional high-sky position measurement control in the building.By the practical application and research the method ...
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