2013年4月下 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第8期 do:10.7672/sgjs2013080076 温州中银大厦原桩再利用技术 裘国荣,孙永明,余永志 (浙江宝业建设集团有限公司,浙江绍兴312028) 摘要温州尚品国际大厦为12层钢框架结构,建在已拆除的温州中银大厦原址上。原温州中银大厦共计130根 的基础桩仍然保留,通过静载荷试验、混凝土强度试验、低应变试验等检测手段鉴定其可有效利用桩基74根,保证 原桩能够满足承载力与沉降控制的规范和设计要求以及新建筑物的安全使用要求,节约了资源和工期,降低了工 程造价,控制了污染物的排放。 [关键词】桩基础;再利用静载试验;取芯;承载力 中围分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A 文章编号】1002-8498(2013)08-0076-03 Technology for Recycling the Old Piles of Wenzhou Zhongyin Building Qiu Guorong ,Sun Yongming ,Yu Yongzhi ( ZhejiangBaoye Construction Group Co ..Shaoxing ,Zhejiang 312028 ,China ) Abstract :Wenzhou Shangpin International Building is twelve-storey steel framed structure .It was constructed on the site of demolished Wenzhou Zhongyin Building .The 130 piles of Wenzhou Zhongyin Building were decided to stay ,among them ,74 piles were found to be reusable with static load test concrete intensity test ,and low stain test ,etc .It was shown that these piles could satisfy the loading bearing capacity and settlement control requirement as well as other safety service requirement of the new building .Recycling of the 74 piles helped to save resources ,shorten construction time ,reduce the cost and control the emission pollu...
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