58 当代化工研 Chenmical 行业动态 201601 煤质化验与煤质变化对火力发电厂的影响分析 聂爱民 (合肥热电集团天源热电有限公司安徽合肥230000 摘要:我国电能主要来源于火力发电厂,这就需要大量的煤炭,长期燃烧煤炭一定会对火力发电厂造成各种各样的影响,尤其是煤质化 脸和煤质变化对其影响较大,因此,应全面分析它们给火力发电厂所带来的彩响,并根据实际情况提出有效整改措施。 关键调:煤质化验;煤质变化火力发电厂 中图分类号:T文献标识码:A Analysis of the Influence of Coal Quality Analysis and Coal Quality Variation on Thermal Power Plant Nie Aimin ( HefeiThermoelectric Corporation Tianyuan Power and Heat Co .Ltd Hefei city in Anhui province ,230000 ) Abstract :China's electric energy is mainly es from thermal power plant ,so large number of coal is needed ,however ,long period of coa I bustion will definitely cause various influences to thermal power plant ,especially for the heavier infuence of coal quality analysis and coal qua lity variation .As for this situation ,we need take a overall analysis on the influence of these factors to thermal power plant ,furthermore effective fication measures need to be put forward according practical conditions . Key words :coal quality analysis coal qualiry variation thermal power plant 前言:随着人们对电能需求的增多,火力发电厂的应用 而导致燃烧却不充分,有时还会出现灭火甚至打炮的情况, 也就越来越多,但在实际工作中发现,很多电厂出现了煤炭 致使机组不能安全运行。通常情况下,灰分含量越高,炉膛 存储量不足的情况,经常因缺少煤炭导致停机,不仅影响到 所遭受的磨损就越严重,有时还会威胁到整个机组...