201606 科研开发 当代化工研究 100 Chenmical Intermediate 电力应急指挥系统应用研究 刘焱 (中海石油环保服务(天津)有限公司天津300452) 摘要:随着社会经济的快速发展,人们对电力的需求量不断增长。做好电力生产的应急机制建设可以有效促进电力安全生产,加强专业 协同,提高电力运行的整体效率。电力应急指挥系统是安全生产的核心,可以为电力运行提供更加明确的决策依据,提升我国电力企业整 体管理水平。基于此,文章探讨分析了电力应急指挥系统应用要点,以供参考。 关键词:电力应急指挥系统;安全;突发事件 图分类号:T文献标识码 Research on the application of electric power emergency mand system Liu Yan ( CnoocEnvironmental Services Tianjin Co .Ltd ,Tianjin ,300452 ) Abstract :In the face of rapid economic development and the rapid growth of electricity demand ,to do a good job in the construction and improvement of the emergency mechanism of electric power production ,effectively promote the safety of electric power production work to lay a solid foundation ,strengthen the professional collaboration ,improve the overall efficiency ,thus providing a more abundant and accurate decision-making basis ,to further improve the overall management level of power enterprises .At present ,the construction of electric power emergency mand system has no time delay ,based on this ,this paper discusses the main points of the application of power emergency mand system for references . Key words :electric power emergency mand sys...
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