粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2011NO.5 试验与应用 石膏对不同水泥胶凝性能的影响* Effects of Gypsum on the Property of the Different Cement Paste 孙海燕,龚爱民,彭玉林,王莘 (云南农业大学水利水电与建筑学院,云南昆明650201) 摘要:石膏是水泥体系的一个重要组分,而不同的石膏对不同的水泥体系的影响也是相当复杂的.本文果用二水 石膏和煅烧石膏对不同的水泥体系进行较系统的试验,并从机理上分析不同石膏类型及掺量对不同水泥体系的影响,研 究结果表明,不同类型和掺量的石膏对不同水泥体系的增强作用是不同的,同时煅烧石膏比二水石膏更大程度地降低了 水泥体系的流动度,优化后的石膏掺量以6.5%为佳,二水石膏与煅烧石膏以4:6复掺为佳. 关键词:二水石膏;煅烧石膏;水泥体系;强度 中图分类号:TU528.04 文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(2011)05-0019-05 Sun Han-yan Gong Ai-min Peng Yu-lin Wang Xin College of Water Resource and Hydraulic Power Architecture Yunnan Agriculture University Kunming 650201) Abstract:The gypsum is one of the most important ponents in the cement system which affects distinctly the propertics of the cement system.This paper indroduces a systematic laboratory expermedtal study and gives the reasons of the effects of the types and dosages of the different gypsum on the cement system with the dihydrate gypoum and the calcined gypsum from mechanism.The results show that the types and dosages of the different gypsum have the different reinforced effect on the different cement system meanwhile the dihydrate gypsum reduces evidently the fluxility of the cement system than the calcined gypsum.The paper optimizes further the best dosage and the ratio of the dihydrate gypsum and the calcined gypsum which is 6.5%and 4:6 respectively. Key words:dihydrate gypsum;calcined gypsum;cement system;strength 在硅酸盐水泥中,掺入石膏主要是为了控制熟料3A含量、含碱量、细度以及使用温度、混合材的种类 中CA的水化进程从而调节水泥的凝结...
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