粉煤灰综合利用 2016o.4 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 试验与应用 石膏掺量对矿(钢)渣复合材料物理力学性能试验研究 Experimental Study on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Ore of Steel )Slag Composite Materials with Different Content of Gypsum 李红飞,冯勇,晋强,何金春 (新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院,乌鲁木齐830052) 摘要:通过用石膏替代部分水泥作为胶凝材料,研究了随石膏替代量的增加对以钢渣、矿渣作为粗、细骨料的复 合材料强度的影响变化。试验结果表明:当石膏替代水泥总量的0~40%,水胶比为0.38时石膏最优替代水泥总量的 20%,7d抗压强度最高为43.3MPa,折压比为0.15.当石青掺量替代水泥总量的50%~80%,水胶比为0.43时石青最优 替代水泥总量为70%,其7d抗压强度为35MPa,折压比为0.3 关键词:石膏;替代抗压强度;抗折强度;软化系数 中围分类号:TU528 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2016)04-0018-03 Li Hongfe ,Feng Yong ,Jin Qiang ,He Jinchun ( Schoolof Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering ,Xinjiang Agricultural University ,830052 ) Abstract :This paper by replacing part of the cement with gypsum materials ,the effect of the amount gypsum on the ore ( orsteel )slag posite materials is studied in this paper .Since the total amount of cement plaster substitute more than 50% of the posite materials which will be more water ,so the experment adpots two kings of water-cement ratio .The one is 0.38 ,when the cement plaster substitute is 0%-40% .The other is 0.43 ,when the cement plaster substitute is 50%-80% .When the water-cement ratio is 0.38 ...
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