粉煤灰综合利用 2018N0.4 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 试验与应用 粉煤灰透水混凝士透水特性及强度试验研究 Study on the Permeability Characteristics and Strength of Fly Ash Permeable Concrete 韩梓依 (长安大学建筑学院,陕西西安710021) 摘要:透水混凝土在改善城市生态方面具有重要的优势,但其强度往往低于普通混凝土.粉煤灰可有效提高透水 混凝土的强度并提高其耐久性.为了获得粉煤灰添加量对粉煤灰透水混凝土的透水性能和力学特性的影响,通过对比试 验分别对不同粉煤灰添加量的透水混凝土试样的抗压强度、抗折强度、劈裂抗拉强度、孔隙率、透水系数等参数进行研究, 研究发现随着粉煤灰添加量的增加,粉煤灰透水混凝土的孔隙率和透水系数降低,当粉煤灰添加量为2%时粉煤灰透 水混凝土的力学特性最佳. 关键词:粉煤灰;透水混凝土;力学强度 中图分类号:TU528.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2018)04-0072-03 Han Ziyi (School of architecture chang'an university Shanxi Xi'an 710021 China) Abstract:Permeable concrete has an important advantage in improving urban ecology but its intensity is often lower than that of ordinary concrete.Fly ash can effectively improve the strength of permeable concrete and its durability.For fly ash addition amount of fly ash porous permeable performance and mechanical properties of concrete through the contrast test of different addition amount of fly ash respectively permeable concrete specimens of pressive strength flexural strength splitting tensile strength porosity coefficient of permeable parameters such as study the study found that with the inerease of adding amount of fly ash fly ash of the permeable concrete porosity and permeable coefficient decreased.When the adding amount of fly ash is 20 %fly ash concrete permeable has the best mechanical properties. Keywords:fly ash;permeable concrete;mechanical strength 透水混凝土在改善城市生态方面具有重要的优 已经限制了透水混凝土的应用[2-6.粉煤灰可有效提 势,目前在路面施工、...
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