44 应用能源技术 2011年第11期(总第167期) 自然通风湿式冷却塔加装挡风板优化设计 李永华,甄海军,马建坤2 (1.华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,保定0710032.华能上安电厂,石家庄050310) 摘要:以湿冷机组自然通风冷却塔相关理论为基础,借助于CFD模拟软件,建立了火电 机组湿式冷却塔的传热传质模型,主要的换热区域如填料、雨区和喷淋区采用离散相模型。由 于冬季气温较低和塔内的换热不均,在冷却塔的填料下面、进风口处、基环面容易结冰,提出了 在进风口处加装挡风板的方案,数值模拟分析结果显示,该方案改善了塔内温度场,有效的防止 了塔内结冰。 关键词:冷却塔;挡风板;数值模拟;离散相模型 中图分类号:TK264文献标志码:A文章编号:1009-3230(2011)11-0044-05 Optimization Design of Installing Windshield Board On Natural Draft Wet Cooling Tower LI Yong-hua' ,ZHEN Hai-jun' ,MA Jian-kun ( 1.Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering School of North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 ,China ;2 .Huaneng Shangan Power Plant ,Shijiazhuang 050510 ,China ) Abstract :Based on the relative theorise of the wet cooling tower ,this simulation builds the heat and mass transfer model through CFD .The main heat transfer area ,such as fillers ,rain and spray zone discrete phase model .As the air temperature is low in winter and the heat transfer is uneven in the tower ,the water is easy to freeze below the packing of the cooling tower ,at the air inlet and on the base torus .method is presented that wind shield is installed at the air inlet ,numerical simulation results show which improv...