38 应用能源技术 2012年第6期(总第174期) doi:10.3969jissn.1009-3230.2012.06.010 自然通风湿式冷却塔防冻数值研究 李永华李燕芳魏杰潘昌远 (华北电力大学能源与动力工程学院,保定071003) 摘要:由于我国北方地区冬季气温较低,冷却塔普遍存在结冰问题,必须采取一定的防冻 措施通过FLUENT 软件模拟分析得出进塔水温对塔内不同特征面水温的影响规律并进一步 模拟加装不同层数挡风板后冷却塔内流场的变化。计算结果表明:①当运行工况其它条件不变 时随着进塔水温的升高塔内不同特征面最低水温升高;②加装一定层数挡风板能使填料下面 空气温度场和进风口上沿面空气速度场分布逐渐趋于均匀,有利于防止塔内结冰;③选取进塔 水温分别为17.80℃、21.95℃、26.77℃、30.04℃时,分别加装4、3、2、1层挡风板可有效防止 塔内结冰。 关键词:冷却塔;结冰;挡风板;数值模拟 中图分类6文献标 志码:B文章编号:1009-3230(201206-0038-05 Antifreeze Numerical Study on Natural Draft Wet Cooling Tower LI Yong-hua ,LI Yan-fang ,WEI Jie-ru ,PAN Chang-yuan ( and Power Engineering School of North China Electric Power University .Baoding 071003 ,China ) Abstract :As the lower temperature of China in winter ,cooling towers are easy to be frozen so some arti -freeze measures must be taken .Using the FLUENT software simulation ,this article analysis to obtain the effect of water inlet temperature on water temperature of different characteristic planes ,and further simulates the flow field variation in the cooling tower after installing windshield of different layers .The calculation results indicated that 1)when other condition operating conditions remain unchanged ,with ...
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