201705 百家争鸣 当代化工研究 177 Intermediate 设计与优化电力企业物资编码标准 张梁 (华电国际十里泉发电厂物资公司山东277100) 摘要:改革开放以来,我国综合国力,经济实力得到了长足的发展,对于电力领域所取得的成就,大家也是有目共睹。本文围绕在快速 发展的电力行业中,物资编码管理所存在的问题亟待解决,深入思考结合工作经验提出了优化的对策。其中以某电力企业为案例,分别就 物资编码管理体系构建以及物资编码信息管理两方面着重分析,希望可以为相关人员提供参考 关键词:电力行业;物资编码标准设计 中图分类号:T 献标识码:A Design and Optimization of Material Coding Standard for Electric Power Industry Zhang Liang ( ShiLi-quan Power Plant Materials Company ,Huadian Power International ,Shandong ,277100 ) Abstract :Since the implementation of reform and opening-up policy ,China's prehensive national power has got considerable development and the achievement obtained in electric power field is obvious to all .In this paper ,around the fast-developed electric power industry ,we have found that the problems of materials coding management need urgent solution ,for which ,optimized countermeasures have been put forward on the basis of deep thinking and working experience .Taking one electric power enterprise as the case ,it has mainly taken analysis of the materials coding management system building and materials coding information management so that to provide reference for the related personnel . Key words :electric power in...