粉煤灰综合利用 2010No.1 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 路基处治土回弹模量试验研究 The Experimental Research of the Resilient Moduli of Cement Stabilized Soils Used in Highway Subgrades 夏宁,黄琴龙 (同济大学道路与机场工程系,上海200092) 摘要:对路基处治土水泥砂进行室内回弹模量试验,并对所得试验结果进行深入分析和探讨,为相关工程实践提 供数据支持。试验结果表明,水泥含量和压实度等对水泥砂的回弹模有较大的影响。 关键词:长江口细砂水泥砂;回弹模量 中分类号:U416.111 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2010)01-0018-03 ( TheRoad and Airport Engineering Department ,Tongji University ,Shanghai ,200092 ,China ) Abstract :This paper obtains the resilient moduli of cement stabilized soils through experiment study and the main content is following Through the experiment study ,what the paper can obtain through the experiment is that the relation between the degree of pection and the resili - ent moduli ,the relation between the cement content and resilient moduli .Through the definite conclusion of the experimental atudy ,the reliable can be provided for the relate construction . Key words :Changjiang delta fine sand ;cement stabilized soils ;resilient modulus 地处长江口崇明岛的崇明至启东长江公路通道工 程(上海段)是国家高速公路网中上海至西安高速公 1试验 路的重要组成部分,也是长三角高速公路网规划的城 按照《公路工程无机结合料稳定材料试验规程》 际通道,同时,上海长江隧桥与崇启通道共同组成沪 (JTJ057-94)中所述回弹模量室内试验方法进行试 (崇)苏通道,是在长江口一条完整的上海经崇明至江 验,试验方案简要步骤为: ...
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