施工技术 2012年2月下 34 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第359期 跳仓法在广州南站大截面预应力架空 结构中的应用 吴小松 (中国中铁建工集团有限公司深圳分公司,广东深圳518052) [摘要]介绍了跳仓法混凝土施工技术在广州南站超大截面、大跨度、大面积、高架预应力结构中的施工应用.通 过专家组对各施工方案的充分论证,确定采用跳仓法进行施工.首先讲述了跳仓法的工艺原理,结合本工程实例 介绍跳仓法施工中的分仓设计和跳仓顺序,闹述了原材料选择、配合比优化和人模温度控制,指出了混凝土施工要 点及养护措施. [关键词]火车站;混凝土;跳仓法;预应力:架空结构 [中图分类号]TU245 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)04-0034-03 Application of Sequence Method in Large Cross-section Prestressed Overhead Structure in Guangzhou South Railway Station Wu Xiaosong (Shenzhen Branch of China Railway Construction Engineering Group Shenthen Guangdong 518052 China Abstract:Sequence method is applied in the large cross-section big span large area elevated prestressed structure of Guangzhou South Railway Station.After the expert panel sufficient demonstrating for every scheme the sequence method is chosen.The construction process is described and the construction division and sequence are also mentioned.The raw materials choice mix proportion optimization and molding temperature control are put forward.Finally the construction key points and maintenance measures are obtained. Key words:railroad stations;concrete;sequence method;prestressing;overhead structure 混凝土跳仓法是近些年在国内少数工...