38 当代化工研究 Intermediate 技术应用与研究 2017·08 透明塑料彩色条纹的研究 韩烨飞 (南京市第二十九中学江苏210000) 摘要:本文主要探究了生活中透明塑料彩色条纹现象的产生原因在实验中先调整自然光照射在透明塑料制品上的入射角,以此找到布 儒斯特角,并以布儒斯特角照射具有应力的透明塑料,同时产生双折射,我们将这个过程等价于显色偏振来解释透明塑料呈现彩色条纹的 原因,再用不同的单色偏振光以布儒斯特角照射,以此得到形状相同但相互之间存在位移偏差的干涉条纹,最终解释了透明塑料制品上彩 色条纹的产生原因 关键词:双折射;应力;透明塑料制品;偏振 中图分类号:T文献标识石 Study on the Color Stripe of Transparent Plastic Han Yefei No .29School of Nanjing City ,Jiangsu ,210000 ) Abstract :This paper mainly explores the causes of the phenomenon of transparent plastic color stripe in life .In the experiment ,the incident angle of natural light irradiation on transparent plastic products was first adjusted to find Brewster angle ,and the transparent plastic with stress was irradiated with Brewster angle ,and the birefringence was produced .This process is equivalent to the color of the explicit polarization to explain the reason of the transparent plastic rendering of color stripes .Using different monochromatic polarized light to irradiate Brewster angle ,the interference fringe with the same shape but the displacement deviation is obtained .Finally ,the reason of the color stripe on transparent plastic products is explained Key words :birefringence :s...
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