2013年3月上 施工技术 第42卷第5期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 101 DoI:10.7672//gj2013050101 通道塔在香港环球贸易广场工程中的应用 乔龙,李娟,石伟,高洪刚,李新生 (中建三局第一建设工程有限责任公司,湖北武汉430040) [摘要]通道塔以钢结构塔为附着载体和通道,用来完成超高层建筑施工中大量和繁重的垂直运输任务。结合香 港环球贸易广场项目详细介绍了通道塔的设计制作、安装及维护和拆除。工程实践表明,使用通道塔可节约施 工场地,规避常规主体因周边分散布置施工电梯而无法装修封闭的问题,加快了装修进度,使得施工对下部运营的 影响降低,真正实现了超高层建筑阶段性投入使用的目标。 关键词】高层建筑;通道塔;垂直运输;运输通道;设计;安装 中图分类号TU758.11 文献标识码A [文章编号】1002-8498(2013)05-0101-03 Application of Access Tower in the International Commerce Plaza Project in Hong Kong Qiao Long ,Li Juan ,Shi Wei ,Gao Honggang ,Li Xinsheng ( TheFirst Construction Co ., .of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau ,Wuhan ,Hubei 430040 ,China ) Abstract :Access tower uses steel tower as carrier and access route and is used for vertical transport in construction of super tall buildings .Combined with the International Commerce Plaza Project in Hong Kong ,the authors introduce access tower in detail ,including its design ,manufacture ,installation , maintenance and demolition .The engineering practice shows that using access tower can save construction site ,allow closed decoration ,speed up decoration progress and reduce the influence of construction on lower floor operations ,w...