粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2018NO.4 试验与应用 金属网增强混凝士靶板的抗侵彻性能研究 Study on anti-penetration performance of metal mesh reinforced concrete target 陈首,石少卿,李季 (陆军勤务学院军事设施系,重庆401331) 摘要:本文利用有限元分析软件LS-DYNA对金属网增强混凝土靶板的抗侵彻性能进行数值研究,结果表明: 在混凝土靶板中增加金属网,可以有效抑制弹体动能在靶体内的传播,降低弹体侵彻深度和剩余速度,控制混凝土的 局部破坏和弹坑直径,提高混凝土靶板的抗侵彻性能.此外,分析比较金属网参数的变化对混凝土靶板抗侵彻性能的 影响,研究发现:增大金属丝丝径、减小金属网孔径、增大金属网层数均可以提高混凝土靶板的抗侵彻性能,而且, 当丝径取2mm 孔径取5mm 层数取22层时,混凝土靶板的抗侵彻性能最经济有效. 关键词:金属网;抗侵彻;数值研究 中图分类号:TU528.571 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2018)04-0023-05 Chen Shou Shi Shaoqing Li Ji (Army Logistics University of PLA Dept.of Military Facilities Chongqing 401331) Abstract:In this paper the finite element analysis software LS-DYNA is used to numerically study the anti-penetration performance of metal mesh reinforced concrete target.The results show that adding metal mesh in concrete target can effectively suppress the propagation of the kinetic energy of the projectile in the target reduce the penetration depth and residual speed of the projectile control the local damage of the concrete and the diameter of the crater and improve the anti-penetration performance of the concrete target.In addition the influence of the variation of the metal mesh parameters on the anti-penetration performance of the concrete target is analyzed and pared.It is found that increasing the wire diameter reducing the hole diameter and increasing the number of layers can improve the anti-penetration performance of the concrete target. Moreover when the wire diameter is 2 mm the hole diameter is 5 mm and the number of layers is 22 layers the anti-penetration performance of the concrete target is the most economical and effective. Keywords:metal mesh;anti-penetration;numerical study 混凝土因具有原材料丰富、价格低廉、施工方便、彻性能,国内外学者进行了大量的研究[461,目前最 经久耐用等优点,被广泛应用于防护工程领域[1-31. 常见的是在混凝土中添加纤维材料来提高它的抗拉 但是,作为一种脆性材料,混凝土的抗拉强度和延 强度和延展性,如碳纤维、钢纤维、聚合物纤维等. 展性均比较差,且容易开裂,在遭受高速冲击荷载 王璞等[自行设计了一套落锤冲击试验装置,对由 或爆炸荷载作用时,普通混凝土结构不能满足一般 碳纤维、钢纤维和聚丙烯纤维组成的混杂纤维混凝 的防护要求. 土进行了抗冲击力学性能试验研究,研究表明:纤 ...
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