工程名称Works Title : 施工进度计划报审表 sh/t3903-A.11 Construction Schedule Approval Request 编号Item No : 致 (监理单位) To ( CS/CMC) 方已根据承包合同的有关规定编制完成了年月日至 We have pleted the preparations of the following schedules from to according to the related regulations of the construction contract : 1□工程施工总进度计划Project Construction Overall Schedule : 2□工程施工月进度计划Project Construction Monthly Schedule 3工程施工周进度计划Project Construction Weekly Schedule □计划schedul 并经我单位技术负责人审查批准,现报上,请予以审查。我们将严格按审查通过的进度计划组织 施工 It has been reviewed and approved by our technical responsible people .Now we submit it to you ,please review .We will organize the construction by strictly following the approved schedule 附Attached : 图表、说明书共 Drawings and charts ,instruction books ,totally in pages . 项目经理 Project manager 承包单位(章) 日期 Contractor ( Chop) Date 审查意见Review ments : 同意此进度计划。 Approved this schedule . 不同意此进度计划,请按以下要求修改再报: Not approved this schedule ,please modify it according to the following requirements ,and resubmit 专业监理工程师 Discipline supervision engineer 日期 Date 审核意见Review ments 总监理工程师 Chief supervision engineer 项目监理机构 日期 CS /CMC Date ...
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