工程名称Works Title : 工程竣工报验单 sh/t3903-A.10 Works Completion Inspection Request 编号Item No : 致 (监理单位) To ( CS/CMC) 我方已按合同要求完成了 工程,经自检合格,请予以检查和验收。 We have pleted the works according to the requirements of the contract ,after the self check it is on spec ,please inspect and accept . 附Attached : 项目经理 Project manager 承包单位(章) 日期 Contractor ( Chop) Date 审查意见Review ments : 经初步验收,该工程: after the preliminary inspection and acceptance ,this works : 1□符合/□不符合我国现行法律、法规要求; neet /notmeet the requirements of the current state laws and regulations 2□符合□不符合我国现行工程建设标准; eet /notmeet the requirements of the current national standards . 3□符合/□不符合设计文件要求 eet /notmeet the requirements of the design documents 4符合不符合施工合同要求 Meet /notmeet the requirements of the construction contract 综上所述,该工程初步验收合格□不合格,□可以□不可以组织正式验收。 Based on the above points ,the preliminary inspection and acceptance of this works is on spec /off spec ,formal inspection and acceptance can be /cannot be organized 总监理工程师 Chief supervision engineer 项目监理机构 日期 CS /CMC Date ...
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