工程名称Works Title :: sh/t3903-a.15 勘察/设计费用支付报审表 Geotech /DesignPayment Approval Request 编号Item No : 致 (监理单位) To ( CS/CMC) 根据委托设计合同第 条款,我单位已于 月日交 设计文件,建设单位应支 付该项勘察/□设计费共(大写) (小写: ),请予以审核。 According to clauses of the Entrusted Design Contract ,we have submitted the design documents on Owner should make the payment of ( amountin words say : for geotech / design,please review . 附Attached 项目经理 Project manager 勘察/设计单位(章) 日期 Geotech /DesignUnit ( Chop) Date 审核意见Review ments 经审核同意按合同第 支付勘察/设计费共(大写 (小写: After reviewed ,the total payment of amount in words say r geotech design fees are approved to be made as per clause of the contract . 总监理工程师 Chief supervision engineer 项目监理机构 日期 CS /CMC Date ...