Gate,Globe Check Valves ASME Class 150 to 4500 |2"to 42"(15 mm to 1050 mm) ASME B16.34 T L&T Valves L&T Valves L&T Valves manufactures engineered flow-control solutions that enhance safety,reliability and performance in flow-control systems in oil gas, power and allied industries across the world.The pany is a wholly owned subsidiary of L&T,and has a heritage of excellence that exceeds five decades. Product Range: ·Gate,Globe&Check Valves ·Valves for Power Pipeline Process Ball Valves Triple-offset Butterfly Valves Flanged Wafer-type Butterfly Valves ·Double Block and Bleed Plug Valves ·Control Valves ·Automation Solutions including HIPPS L&T valves are designed by specialists with deep understanding of industry requirements and practices,on state-of-the-art design and analysis software.A rigorous functional qualification and prototype test programme ensures that the customised solutions meet customer expectations. The Quality Management System of L&T Valves is certified to ply with ISO 9001 and API Spec Q1.The pany is licensed to offer products monogrammed API 600,API 6D and API 609 as well as valves with CE Marking and ATEX certification.Ball and Butterfly Valves with SI...
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- 中英文对照版 ASME BPVC.II.C-2023 焊条、焊丝及填充金属 上冊 to SFA-A5.18.pdf
- 中文版 ASME B16.10-2022 阀门结构长度.pdf
- 中文版 API Std 623-2021 法兰和对焊端 栓接阀盖钢制截止阀.pdf