Certified FISCHER X-RAY Calibration Standards and Accessories DIN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited December 2017/3 工 +ischer一 Coating Thickness Material Analysis Microhardness Q Material Testing X-RAY Calibration Standards Quality Assurance with Energy-dispersive X-Ray Fluo- Why DAkkS Accreditation? rescence Analysis (EDXRF Analysis) Quality assurance and optimum processing procedures play an ever greater role in production.From this stems DAkkS the necessity to perform reliable measurements,which Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle also ply with the demanding requirements of an D-K-15076-01-00 ISO certified quality management system. Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (EDXRF FISCHER Calibration Lab plies with analysis)is a particularly universal,fast and non- destructive measuring method.By using suitable refer- DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 ence materials,it enables coating thicknesses and material position for a large number of applica- Calibration standards from FISCHER with DAkkS tions to be determined with a high level of precision accreditation give you the following benefits: and in a traceable way.The wide range of industrial applications and the short cycle of product innov...
DIN ISO IEC 17025 Certified FISCHER X-RAY Calibration Standards.pdf