MENG203 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS FOR ENGINEERS ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS BY Assoc.Prof.Dr.Hasan Hacisevki 1 BOQU ANS Standards organizations 回 TSE:Turkish Standards Organisation 回 EN Europian Norms 回 ISO International Organization for Standardization 回 DIN:Deutsches Institut fur Normung 回 BS British Standards 回 SASO:Saudi Arabian Standards organization 回 JIS Japanese Industrial Standards 回 ANSI American National Standards Institute 回 ASTM:American Society for Testing and Materials 可 Others-ASME,NFPA,ASHRAE,etc. 2 - BOQU EXAMPLES OF BRITISH STANDARDS 回 BS 79 Report on Dimensions of Special Trackwork for Tramways 回 BS 80 Magnetos for Automobile Purposes 回 BS 81 Specification for Instrument Transformers BS 82 Specification for Starters for Electric Motors 回 BS 83 Standard of Reference for Dope and Protective Covering for Aircraft BS 84 Report on Screw Threads (British Standard Fine), and their Tolerances (Superseding parts of Reports Nos.20 and 33) 回 BS 86 Report on Dimensions of Magnetos for Aircraft Purposes BS 87 Report on Dimensions for Airscrew Hubs 3 ...
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