ANVIL 管件和钢管接头 - 管阀管件(英文版).pdf
ANVIL Building Connections That Last September 2012 For the most current product/pricing information on Anvil products,please visit our website at .anvilintl.. Pipe Fittings Steel Nipples Forged Steel·Cast Iron·Malleable B U I L D I N G C O N N E C T I O N S T H A T L A S T GILOK SPF/ANVIL Catawissa ANVL EPS JBS CANVIL BECK SEMiNOLE MERIT ANVIL-STRUT BUILDING CONNECTIONS THAT LAST For over 150 years,Anvil has worked diligently to build a strong,vibrant tradition of making connections- pipe to pipe and people to people. We pride ourselves in providing the finest quality pipe products and services with integrity and dedication to superior customer service at all levels. We provide expertise and product solutions for a wide range of applications, from plumbing,mechanical,HVAC,industrial and fire protection to mining, oil and gas.Our prehensive line of products includes:grooved pipe couplings,grooved and plain-end fittings,valves,cast and malleable iron fittings, forged steel fittings,steel pipe nipples and couplings,pipe hangers and supports, channel and strut fittings,mining and oil field fittings,along with much more. As an additional benefit to our customers,Anvil offers a...