AWS PHW-6 AWS D1.1 结构焊接规范制造和焊接要求目视检查日常袖珍手册(英文版).pdf
SIZE The Everyday Pocket Handbook for Visual SIZE SIZE Inspection of AWS D1.1 DESIRABLE FILLET WELD PROFILES SIZE Structural Welding Code's Fabrication and Welding Requirements INSUFFICIENT THROAT Number 6 in a series UNACCEPTABLE GROOVE WELD PROFILES EXCESSIVE REINFORCEMENT IN BUTT JOINTS Excerpted requirements selected as a useful tool for on-the-job welding personnel by the AWS Product Copyright American Welding Soclety Provided by IHS under oanse with AWS AP No reproduction or networking permited withcut icense from IHS DeVe r Re e 2004 by American Welding Society.All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America American Welding Society NOTE:Although care was taken in choosing and presenting the data in this guide,AWS cannot guarantee that it is error free.Further,this guide is not intended to be an exhaustive treatment of the topic and therefore may not include all available information,including with respect to safety and health issues.By publishing this guide,AWS does not insure anyone using the information it contains against any liability or injury to property or persons arising from that use. Coowiaht amedcan wedira sockety Provided by IHS under oanse with AWS...