焊接技术和检验程序 – AWS D1.1(英文版).pdf
PDHonline Course M381(5 PDH) Welding Technology and Inspection Procedures AWS D1.1 Instructor:Jurandir Primo,PE 2020 PDH Online PDH Center 5272 Meadow Estates Drive Fairfax.VA 22030-6658 Phone:703-988-0088 .PDHonline. An Approved Continuing Education Provider .PDHcenter.org PDHonline Course M381 .PDHonline. Welding Technology and Inspection Procedures AWS D1.1 Contents I.INTRODUCTION II.WELDING PROCESSES III.MAIN WELDING JOINT TYPES IV.JOINT DESIGN AND WELD PREPARATION V.STANDARDS FOR WELDING POSITIONS: VI.WELDING SYMBOLS VII.WELDING OF STAINLESS STEELS VIII.WELDING OF LOW ALLOY STEELS IX.WELDING OF RAILS.CAST AND WROUGHT STEELS X.INSPECTION PROCEDURES XI.APPENDIX XII.REFERENCES ©20 11 Jurandir Primo Page 2 of 67 .PDHcenter.org PDHonline Course M381 .PDHonline. I-INTRODUCTION: This manual is short and very practical for students,welders,technicians,welding inspectors and engineers the way anyone can research some subject in a timely manner to carry a work without wasting too much his precious time.It covers only the main manufacturing welding processes,materials and inspection procedures according to AWS D1.1 and ASME Section IX,monly used for field const...