ASMEB31.3-2002 Revision of ASME B31.3-1999) PROCESS ASME CODE FOR PRESSURE PIPING B3 AN AMERICAN NATLOINAL STANDARD The American Society of Mechanical Engineers aanaad by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers AN AM ERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PROCESS PIPING ASME CODE FOR PRESSURE PIPING B31 ASME B31.3-2002 (Revision of ASME B31.3-1999) COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services Date of Issuance:April 30 2002 Mandatory Date:October 30 2002 This edition was approved by the American National Standards Institute and designated ASME B31.3-2002 on February 14 2002. The next edition of this Code is scheduled for publication in 2004.There will be no addenda issued to ASME B31.3-2002. ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of the Code.The Interpretations are published separately. Periodically certain actions of the ASME B31 Committee will be published as Cases. While these Cases do not constitute formal revisions of the Code they may be used in specifications or otherwise as representing considered opinions of the Committee.The Cases are not part of the Code and are published separately. ...
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