25 Examoles of Horel Space Design Analysis From Parallel tines and orientalism N025 Lushan style N口-0浴天水云 Mist-shrouded place with clean stean NO04从制的 Thought from the restrictions ldea 0.05阳深 Deep shadow NO6写启东户 Frechand oriental style Return and reconstruction NO.08金色的子 Golden box N门.9画满 Waking on the painting scroll NO.10都 to Urban phantom NO.11隐于都城 Hidden in the city NO.12设计语培 The context ol design N0.13 力量与诗意的平 Balance between the power and poet NO,4面语 Language of Interface .15层的优 Layering elegence 小扣6色中的光明 Light in the darkness N017号我之间 During searching Sense N门,B间建 Spatial construction of frame 19红与的底换 Figure-ground erder of red and blac NO.20与技动场地的旧 Find the home of site 叶铮著 NO.21 简单的优 25例酒店空间设计解析 Simple elegance NO.22相中的时 The fashion in the coarseness 从概念到意念 NO.23海上通梦 The dream of Shanghai NO.24 回”型空间 The space of the back-shaped corrlo N0.25 差异与平衡 The dlference and the balance 25 Examples of Hotel Space Design Analysis From ldea to Sense 叶铮著 25例酒店空间设计解析 从概念到意念 馆 化学工业纳版社 ·北京· 图书在版编目(CIP)数据 从概念到意念:25例酒店空间设计解析/叶铮著. 一北京:化学工业出版社,2019.1 ISBN978-7-122-33270-7 I.①从…Ⅱ.①叶…Ⅲ.①饭店-室内装饰 设计IV.①TU247.4 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2018)第252514号 责任编辑:李彦玲 装帧设计:王晓宇 责任校对:宋玮 出版发行:化学工业出版社(北京市东城区青年湖南街13号邮政编码...