第30卷第3期 北京建筑大学学报 Vol.30 No.3 2014年9月 Journal of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture Sep.2014 文章编号:1004-6011(2014)03-0009-05 中国建筑设计产业的国际比较与发展战略研究 梁吴光,叶大华2 (1.北京市社会科学院经济研究所,北京100836;2.北京市规划委员会,北京100045) 摘要:在经济全球化与经济体制转型的背景下,系统探索中国建筑设计产业的发展历程与特点, 比较国内外建筑设计产业价值链分工、管理制度、企业运行、项目运作等方面的差异,剖析中国建筑 设计产业发展中存在的问题及其与国外行业的主要差距,最后从行业规划、市场准入、行业协会等 角度提出了中国建筑设计产业发展的战略措施. 关键词:建筑设计产业;国际比较;战略措施 中图分类号:TU2;F120.4 文献标志码:A International Comparison and Development Strategy of Architectural Design Industry in China Liang Haoguang' Ye Dahua (1.Economics Research Institute Beijing Academy of Social Sciences Beijing 100836; 2.Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning Beijing 100045) Abstract:In the context of economic globalization and economy system transformation the development process and the feature of Chinese architectural design industry are explored.Based on paring between the domestic and foreign architectural design agencies on value chain division management system operation mode and project operation the problems of domestic architectural design agencies and the major gap between the domestic and foreign architectural design industry are analysed in the paper. Furthermore...
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