16 江苏建筑2011年第4期(总第142期) 南京桥北污水处理厂建筑设计的探讨 葛梅利 (南京市市政设计研究院有限责任公司,江苏南京210008) [摘要]在当今时代的社会、技术背景下,工业建筑创作呈现出新的动向.文章通过对桥北污水处理厂的设计,论述在工 业建筑的建筑创作中,除了需要满足特定的生产工艺对建筑空间的要求之外,还要满足建筑的环境要求和美学要求.工业建 筑设计应该从整体规划入手,遵从工业建筑设计应从其自身特点做到远看有势,近看有形、以人为本的设计原则,体现企业 文化内涵,紧密结合时代发展,采用新工艺、新技术、新材科.强调运用人性化、功能化、环境意识的设计思路. [关键词]多元化;开放性;工业建筑;以人为本 [中图分类号]TU279.[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1005-6270(2011)04-0016-02 Discussion on Northbound Sewage Treatment Plant in Nanjing GE Mei-li (Nanjing Municipal Design and Research Institate Co. Ltd Nanjing Jiangsu 210008 China) Abstract:In the background of modern society and technology industrial buildings design shows a new trend. Based on the design of the northbound sewage treatment plant this paper explains that in design of industrial buildings it should satisfy not only the requirement of building space but also building environment and aes- thetic requirement for specific production technology.Design of industrial buildings should start from overall planning.According to the design idea such as peole first functional and environment friendly new technolo- gy new technique and new material should be used to build a plant with its own special characteristics. Key words:diversity;open;ind...
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