江苏建筑 2010年第3期(总第134期) 城市景观敏感地带高层建筑设计探讨 以南京林业大学研究生公寓为例 宋厚文,刘峰,赵和生 (南京工业大学建筑与城市规划学院,江苏南京210009) [摘要]以南京林业大学研究生公寓为例,探讨了城市景观敏感地带高层建筑设计所涉及的景观环境问题.城市景观敏 感地带高层建筑设计应从城市整体环境出发,控制建筑形体以减少对自然景观的遮挡,优化建筑形态以协调建筑与环境的 肌理关系,推敲建筑形象以延续城市环境的文脉,从而创造出和谐、统一的城市景观环境. [关键词]高层建筑;视觉景观:肌理;建筑形象 [中图分类号]TU244.3[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1005-6270(2010)03-0007-03 Study on Architecture Design of High-rise Building in Sensitive Areas of Cityscape --About the Design of Graduate Apartment of Nanjing Forestry University SONG Hou-wen LIU Feng ZHAO He-sheng (College of Architecture and Urban Design Nanjing University of Technology Nanjing Jiangsu 210009 China) Abstract:In the case study of graduate apartment of Nanjing Forestry University the paper explores the envi- ronmental problem which concerns about the design of high-rise building in sensitive areas of cityscape.The design of high-rise building in sensitive areas of cityscape should be based on the overall environment of city physical control of construction to reduce the block to natural landscape optimizing architectural form to unify the texture of architecture and environment refining architectural image to continue the context of urban envi- ronment thereby a harmonious u...
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