江苏建筑2013年第5期(总第157期) 109 某住宅绿色建筑设计标识(三星)项目的评价与分析 常玲 (南京市建筑设计研究院有限责任公司,江苏南京210005) [摘要]文章以绿色建筑设计标识住宅类三星级项目—南京朗诗绿色街区一期为例,对绿色建筑设计评价标准的原 则和方法加以阐述.该项目从设计阶段就整合构思建筑方案与绿色技术的融合,通过造宜高效绿色技术的充分运用,创造一 个绿色化特征鲜明,全生命周期中环保、节能、舒适的现代化居住小区.该项目已于211年获得了国家住房和城乡建筑部绿 色建筑设计评价标识住宅类三星级. [关键词]绿色建筑;评价标准;设计评价;三星极 [中图分类号]TU201.64[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1005-6270(2013)05-0109-03 Evaluation and Analysis of a GBDL Three-Star Residential Project CHANG Ling (Nanjing Architectural Design Research Institute Co. Ltd Nanjing Jiangsu 210005 China) Abstract:Taking Nanjing Landsea Green Residential Area which is a three-star project of GBDL(Green Building Design Logo)in residential category as an example this paper analyses the principles and methods of the Evaluation Standard for Green Buildings.From the beginning of the project architectural design and green technology were bined together in order to create a green environment-friendly energy-efficient and fortable modern residential area.This project has won the three-star of GBDL in residential category issued by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in 2011. Key words:green building;evaluation standard;design evaluation;three-star rating 1项目概况 2评价标准及设计分析 《绿色建筑评...
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