第47卷 中国井矿盐 Vol.47 CHINA WELL AND ROCK SALT 浅谈新老版建筑设计防火规范工业消防 设施设置的区别 黄静,唐明坚,袁源 (自贡市轻工业设计研究院有限责任公司,四川自贡643000) 摘要:主要总结了《建筑设计防火规范》GB50016-2014与GB50016-2006关于工业建筑给排水相关部分 的消防设施设置的修订之处,并对二者加以对比,以便于设计工作中对规范条文的运用更加热练与精准. 关键词:建筑设计;防火规范;工业建筑;消防设施 中图分类号:TS36 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-0335(2016)03-0030-03 Brief Discussion on the Distinctions between the New and Old Versions of the Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings about the Distribution of Industrial Fire Protection Facilities Huang Jing Tang Mingjian Yuan Yuan (Zigong Light Industry Design and Research Institute Co. Ltd. Zigong Sichuan 643000) Abstract:This paper mainly concludes the amendments of the distribution of fire protection facilities for the parts of water supply and drainage in industrial buildings in Code for Fire Protection Design of Building's GB50016-2014 and GB50016-2006 versions. These two versions have been pared to contribute to the proficient and accurate utilization of standards in the design works. Key words:Industrial design code for fire protection industrial buildings fire protection facilities 1前言 《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》GB50045-95(2005年 版)(以下简称原高规),重新发布新的《建筑设计防 随着社会的不断进步与发展,人们对于火灾的 火规范》GB50016-2014(以下简称新建规).本文将 防范意识逐渐普...
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