第25卷第1期 山东建筑大学学报 Vol.25 No.1 2010年2月 JOURNAL OF SHANDONG JIANZHU UNIVERSITY Feb. 2010 文章编号:1673-7644(2010)01-0074-05 生物气候建筑设计方法探析 赵继龙1 2,张玉坤1,唐一峰2 (1.天津大学建筑学院,天津300072;2.山东建筑大学建筑城规学院,山东济南250101) 摘要:以生物气候建筑设计的概念和过程为出发点,从舒适条件界定的严谨性、设计建议的有效性两个方面,对 温湿图、舒适三角形及生物气候列表等当前三种主要设计方法模型进行比较,解析气候一舒适一建筑间的内在 关联,以期对我国的生态节能建筑设计实践有所借鉴. 关键词:生物气候设计方法;建筑:热舒适;设计建议 中图分类号:TU201.5 文献标识码:A Discussion on bioclimatic approach to architectural design ZHAO Ji-long!.2 ZHANG Yu-kun' TANG Yi-feng? (1.School of Architecture Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China;2.School of Architecture Urban Planning Shandong Jianzhu University Jinan 250101 China) Abstract:Starting with analysis of the concept and design process of bioclimatic architecture the pa- per focuses on three important models of bioclimatic design which include psychrometric chart - fort triangles and Mahoney tables and makes some parisons between them based on the reliability of fort definition and the effectivity of design remendation.The radical relevance of climate- fort-architecture is obtained and some lessens for the green architecture design in China is drawn from the research. Key words:bioclimatic approach;architecture;thermal co...