《自动化与仪器仪表》2014年9期(总第179期) 计算机模拟分析在绿色建筑设计中的应用 邢炜 (陕西职业技术学院陕西西安,710100) 摘要:计算机模拟技术于2006年进入我国建筑领域,现在,就绿色建筑的设计和评断而言,计算机模拟技术已成为了必不 可少的方面.由于我国研究与设计机构当前依旧处于对绿色建筑计算机模拟解析的摸索运用时期,其模拟方式与方案改进手段 截然不同,所以绿色建筑设计效果很难尽如人意.笔者在本文中概括了绿色建筑计算机模拟方式与方案改进手段,给予绿色建筑 设计人员方法指点,借此增强绿色建筑的设计效果. 关键词:计算机模拟;绿色建筑;设计效率 DOl编码:10.14016/j.cnki.1001-9227.2014.09.099 Abstract:Computer simulation technology into the field of construction in 2006 and now on green building design and judgment the puter simulation technology has bee an essential aspect.Because of the current research and design institutions still in the ex- ploratory stage on the use of green building puter simulation parsed the analog mode and program improvement means different so green building design effect is difficult to satisfactory.In this article the author outlines the green building puter simulation methods and programs to improve the means of giving green building design methods pointing personnel thereby enhancing the effect of green building design. Key words:Computer simulation;Green building;Design efficiency 中图分类号:TP39 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-9227(2014)09-0099-03 0引言 (2)气象资料 就建筑的全生命周期而言,工程完工仅是首个阶段.假如 我国疆域广阔,由北至南分布着五大温度带,即寒温带、 建筑的设计与施工不科学...
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