Corrosion-resistant Alloy Seamless Products for Use as Casing Tubing Coupling Stock and Accessory Material API SPECIFICATION 5CRA SECOND EDITON OCTOBER 2022 API MONOGRAM PROGRAM EFFECTIVE DATE:APRIL 1 2023 ISO 13680:2020(Modified) Petroleum and natural gas industries-Corrosion-resistant alloy seamless tubular products for use as casing tubing coupling stock and accessory material-Technical delivery conditions AP American Petroleum ISO ANSI Institute Special Notes API publications necessarily address problems of a general nature.With respect to particular circumstances local state and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed.The use of API publications is voluntary.In some cases third parties or authorities having jurisdiction may choose to incorporate API standards by reference and may mandate pliance. Neither API nor any of API's employees subcontractors consultants mittees or other assignees make any warranty or representation either express or implied with respect to the accuracy pleteness or usefulness of the information contained herein or assume any liability or responsibility for any use or the results of such use of any information or process disclosed in ...
API Spec 5CRA-2022 用作套管、油管、接箍料和附件材料的耐蚀合金无缝产品.pdf