家美的馆 DESIGN SCHEME FOR THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT OF NATIONAL ART MUSEUM OF CHINA 国家美术馆建筑工程方案设计招标--投标设计方案 From a distance it emerges as simple as a first line A single line is fundamental to depicting everything in existence' says Shih T'ao 'it is the root of all images'.An infinity of diverse forms springs from that line and all eventually return to it. This is why when we e across it it manifests itself as a great image.'To him who holds in his hands the Great Image (of the invisible Tao) the whole world repairs'(Lao Tzu Tao The Ching translated by James Legge)In its generous reach it receives visitors from the whole world over. Sitting in the center of Art Square it links the four directions and maintains the balance between them through its capacity. When we approach it ing up from the south the red flags floating in the breeze edge it with their uprightness and are reflected in it. When we get closer to it it is stable and serene like a mountain and as durable;and in front of it the dragon snakes along its water endlessly replenished. When we contemplate it we feel how pletely the energy of breath runs through it and makes it soar.In the 'fullness'ofits being lies the '...
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- 重庆綦江L032地块住宅建筑方案设计投标方案.pdf
- 深圳某企业总部建筑设计中标方案.pdf
- GB/T 50165-2020 古建筑木结构维护与加固技术标准.pdf
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- 西安高铁新城超高层综合体(商业/酒店/公寓/办公)投标方案和设计.pdf
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- DBJ41T 302-2024 河南省绿色建筑运行维护技术标准.pdf
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- DBJ41/T 258-2021 建筑物移动通信基础设施建设技术标准(正式版).pdf
- DBJ41/T 268-2022 河南省超低能耗建筑运行维护技术标准(正式版).pdf